Southwest Seat Hog Called Out: Don’t Be That Guy

Before I start my diatribe, I need to clarify how Southwest Airlines distributes seats. No seats are assigned! Seating is open. First come, first served.

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Airline passengers are assigned a boarding group, A, B, or C, and boarding position, 1-60, upon check-in.

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Your boarding group and location decide when you board the plane and how many seats you can choose from.

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I haven't flown Southwest in a while. Since I had so many Southwest points and travel dollars from flights being rescheduled during the epidemic

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Another attempt! You may read about this week's saving-seats NO NO below, which is from before my recent trip.

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I sat in the front of an aircraft last week. I saw a couple and wife in the middle and aisle seats across the aisle and one row ahead. An elderly woman flying 

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After some arguing, the flight attendant told the pair, “If she wants the window seat you have to let her sit there.”

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People, since when do you get to choose your seatmate on an airline that assigns seats? Do Southwest Airlines passengers think they can choose their seats?

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Watching these scenes is unpleasant. I appreciated the flight attendant's intervention. They ignore some things. I wasn't in the mood for another two-hour flight delay.

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