Burger King Says These Changes Are Helping Improve Customer

This week's earnings call from Burger King's parent firm Restaurant Brands International (RBI) showed consumer satisfaction rising. Even

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while revenues dipped marginally in Q1 of this year, the chain's image has improved due to menu and marketing modifications.

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"I wouldn't consider it a victory lap or a big celebration other than confirmation that we're on the right track," RBI CEO José Cil said of

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Burger King's three-quarter customer satisfaction improvement. "We're investing on visitor experience and pleasure. BK in the U.S. offers a great chance there."

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Cil credits Burger King's menu simplification for boosting this metric. In the past year, the burger chain has removed 

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the Whopper from the bargain menu, introduced a 2 for $5 deal, and retired many slow-selling items, including salad.

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"We launched with three delicious flavors and added the product to our flame grilled selection for a limited time," Cil. "Results demonstrate that

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the offering had strong messaging with high quality ads [which] performed well on our digital platforms and proved to be incremental to a burger platform

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Also, the chain is revamping its advertising and marketing. Last Thursday, it announced that OKRP would replace David, its media

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agency. The Chili's-experienced Chicago firm will assist Burger King "modernize and reposition [the] brand."

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