8 Zodiac Signs Who Are Bookworms

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1. Gemini

"Geminis' curiosity fuels their love for books. With a thirst for knowledge, they enjoy diverse genres and easily get lost in captivating tales.

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2. Cancer

Empathetic and emotional bookworms. Books offer an outlet to connect deeply with characters and find comfort in old tales.

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3. Virgo

Analytical readers, love non-fiction, self-help, history, and encyclopedias, feeding their insatiable thirst for knowledge.

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4. Libra

Libras love beautifully written books, favoring themes of love and harmony. They cherish fiction for its escapism and dreamy immersion.

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5. Scorpio

Passionate Scorpio bookworms are drawn to emotional depth and mysteries, immersing themselves in gripping page-turners with psychological twists.

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6. Sagittarians

Adventurous bookworms love travel, exploration, and philosophy. Books offer a world of adventure from their cozy corner.

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7. Capricorns

Capricorn bookworms are ambitious, disciplined, and purposeful readers, drawn to self-improvement, biographies, and knowledge for achieving goals.

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8.  Aquarians

Aquarian bookworms seek unconventional reads that challenge norms: futuristic sci-fi, innovative ideas, and alternative perspectives.

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