8 Ways to Boost Your Dogs Confidence

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1. Teach your dog new tricks.

Boost your dog's confidence with reward-based training. Teach them tricks like sit, shake, roll over, speak, spin, bow, play dead, and give praise and belly rubs.

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2. Feed your dog using puzzle toys.

Puzzle toys for dogs provide a sense of accomplishment, stimulate problem-solving, and boost confidence. DIY options include a tennis ball treat puzzle and a muffin tin puzzle.

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3. Train your dog to play “touch.”

Teach "touch" to boost your dog's confidence: use treats to guide their nose to your hand, repeat, and add the word "touch."

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4. Use positive reinforcement.

Boost your dog's confidence with treats, belly rubs, and positive reinforcement. Use short commands, be consistent, and reward with enthusiasm.

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5. Find new ways to play with your dog.

Boost your dog's confidence by engaging in fun activities together like hide and seek, walks, park visits, playdates, and using cardboard boxes.

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6. Make your dog a safe place

Create a safe, comfy space for your dog to boost confidence. It's their territory, bring it when traveling. Toys are a plus, especially for puppies.

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7. Have a routine your dog can rely on

Walk and potty, breakfast, playtime, nap, afternoon walk and play, nap, dinner, evening potty break and play before bed. Happy pup!

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8. Start agility training with your dog

Boost your pup's confidence with backyard agility training using cardboard box tunnels and hula hoop jumps. Find classes nearby!