8 of the Most Expensive Plants In The World

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1. Bonsai Pine

Bonsai White Pine. Sold for $1.3 million in 2011. Bonsai trees can be worth thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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2.The Kadupul Flower

Sri Lanka's national flower, dies when picked, valuable and rare. Symbolizes spiritual beliefs.

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3. Shenzhen Nongke Orchid

lab-bred, rare, valuable, blooms every 5 years. Sold for $217,000. Medicinal potential: Vitamin E, C for eye diseases.

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4. Adansonii Variegata

Adansonii Variegata is a luxury houseplant with fenestrated leaves. It's highly valuable, with cuttings selling for hundreds to $38,000.

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5. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

rare variegated plant with unique leaf patterns. Sold for $27,100. Variegation occurs due to genetic mutations or pigment deficiencies.

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6. Hoya Carnosa Compacta

Hanging plant with twisted rope-like vines, variegated leaves, and pink star-shaped flowers. Popular houseplant in North America.

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7. Hochstetter’s Butterfly Orchid

Hochstetter’s Butterfly Orchid found in Azores after being thought extinct; scarce and sells for $6,000 per stalk. Discovered by botanist Hochstetter.

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8. Philodendron Pink Princess Galaxy

Rare Colombian plant, Philodendron erubescens, known as "pink princess." Variegated leaves with pink mottling. Sold for $3,500 on Etsy.