8 Facts About Elephants

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1.Elephants never forget

"Elephants remember remarkably well, recognizing distant acquaintances after years."

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2.Elephants are very emotional.

emotional beings, experience joy, love, grief, stress, anger. Show altruism, empathy, grieve for dead herd members.

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3.Elephants are quite intelligent.

largest-brained land animals, highly intelligent. Like dolphins and chimps, they recognize themselves in mirrors, showing self-awareness (humans, apes, dolphins, orcas).

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4.There are three species of elephants

Three recognized elephant species: African savanna (bush) elephant, African forest elephant, and Asian elephant.

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5.Female elephants are more social than males

Female elephants live in herds with calves and relatives. Males live alone or in bachelor herds.

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6.Female elephants are the leaders

matriarchs, oldest and wisest, make decisions. (Girl power!)

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7.Elephants can be left- or right-“handed”

Elephants develop trunk-handedness within 3 months of birth, being equally likely to be left- or right-trunked, unlike humans who are mostly right-handed.

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8.Elephants can do a lot when they’re born

they stand and walk shortly after birth. However, they gain independence around 6 months when they no longer rely on their mothers for nursing.