7 Essential Tips for Makeup Brush Care

Proper care and maintenance of your makeup brushes are crucial for optimal performance and hygiene. Follow these essential tips to keep your brushes clean and in top condition:

1. Regular Cleaning

Make it a habit to sanitize your makeup brushes frequently, preferably once per week. Use a mild brush cleanser or shampoo to sanitize the bristles.

2. Be Gentle

When washing your brushes, be careful not to damage the bristles by rough handling. Avoid vigorous scouring, as this can cause the bristles to fray.

3. Reshape and Dry Properly

After washing, reshape the bristles by gently squeezing them between your fingertips to return them to their original shape.

3. Reshape and Dry Properly

After washing, reshape the bristles by gently squeezing them between your fingertips to return them to their original shape.

4. Avoid Soaking the Brushes

Avoid submerging the entire brush into water when cleaning. Excessive water exposure can damage the fibers and handle of a brush.

5. Spot Clean Between Uses

Consider a brush cleaner spray or a gentle cleansing wipe for fast cleaning between uses. These products can assist in removing surface makeup and bacteria.

6. Store Properly

Avoid preserving them in a sealed container or a moist environment, as this can promote the growth of bacteria.

7. Avoid Sharing Brushes

Sharing cosmetics brushes can transmit bacteria, oils, and other impurities from one user to another. To maintain excellent hygiene, it is best to use your own brushes.