7 Dangerous Mistakes You're Making on the Treadmill

Walking or running on a treadmill improves cardiovascular health, burns calories, and builds muscle, whether you workout at a gym or at home. 

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Read on to uncover the treadmill blunders trainers recommend cutting out immediately. Check out these 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Work

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“You may be tempted to jump on the treadmill and run. Like any activity, you should warm up with dynamic stretches or a stroll before running.

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Run in the middle of the treadmill belt instead of the front to maximize your workout.

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Williams believes running on the front of the treadmill "restricts your arm swing and negatively impacts your posture, as you will naturally lean back to avoid hitting the front of the belt.

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What you wear to exercise can effect your treadmill run as much as how you run.

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The treadmill handrails are there to support you during your run, but using them to prop you up could be harmful.

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"You've undoubtedly heard 'clink clonk clink' in the gym. That's probably someone running with headphones who slams their heels into the treadmill.

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"This is foolish. It imbalances your running style and increases injury risk. Olsen says if a weight comes free, it can destroy a treadmill and break toes.

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