7 Benefits Of Consuming Chia Seeds In The Morning

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1. Highly nutritious

nutritious tiny seeds from Salvia hispanica L. Rich in protein, fiber, healthy fats, and essential nutrients.

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2. Loaded with antioxidants

rich in antioxidants, protect against free radicals, benefit heart, liver, and may have anticancer properties.

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3. May support weight loss

Chia seeds, high in fiber and protein, may aid weight loss, but research results are mixed. They can be a beneficial addition to a balanced diet.

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4. May lower your risk of heart disease

Chia seeds' fiber and omega-3s may lower heart disease risk, but research is inconclusive.

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5. Contain many important bone nutrients

Chia seeds may support bone health due to their nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, along with ALA. More human studies are needed.

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6. May reduce blood sugar levels

Chia seeds may aid blood sugar regulation due to fiber and beneficial compounds. Animal studies show improved insulin sensitivity, and some human research suggests reduced post-meal blood sugar levels.

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7. Easy to incorporate into your diet

versatile, easy to use in various dishes. Eat raw, soak, or add to meals. Thickens sauces, egg substitute. Digestive effects possible. 0.7 oz (20g) twice daily. Hydrate well.