10 Outdated Things Boomers Always Keep in Their House

Once ubiquitous, rotary phones are now a relic commonly found in the homes of Baby Boomers.

1. Rotary Phones

Do you recall using a VCR? Boomers often have VHS recordings collecting dust in their collections.

2. VHS Tapes

What is music streaming? Some Baby Boomers still listen to their beloved songs on cassette tapes and cassette tape players.

3. Cassette Tapes and Players

Before digital, film existed. As mementos, many Baby Boomers retain their old film cameras.

4. Film Cameras

In the era of computers, typewriters are relegated to decorative status in the homes of Baby Boomers.

5. Typewriters

Although flat-screen televisions are the norm, some Baby Boomers still use older tube televisions.

6. Tube Televisions

Although flat-screen televisions are the norm, some Baby Boomers still use older tube televisions.

7. Encyclopedia Sets

Fax has been replaced by email, but some Baby Boomers still retain their fax machines "just in case."

8. Fax Machines

In this age of wearables and smartphones, the humble wall clock has fallen out of favor, except in the homes of Baby Boomers.

9. Wall Clocks

The revival of vinyl is currently ongoing, but Boomers never abandoned their record players.

10. Record Players and Vinyl

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