8 Frugal Tips That Will Change Your Life Forever

Imposing logical rules on yourself is a practical way to determine if you want to make a specific purchase.

1. Have a 48-Hour Rule

Sometimes it’s critical to shift your perspective and not look at spending in terms of dollars and sense.

2. Look At Everything as Time Spent, Not Money

I can't tell you how much my girlfriend has saved in the past six months by using Amazon's wishlist instead of the shopping cart.

3. Utilize an Amazon Wishlist

If you always buy products on sale because they're a "good deal," ask yourself if you'd buy them full-price.

4. Consider Why You Buy Sale Items

Although it’s easier said than done, there are countless benefits to preparing meals and eating at home.

5. Cook at Home

Frugal folks deactivate their payment methods from their favorite websites and applications to reduce impulse buys when shopping online! 

6. Remove Quick-Payment Methods

Like when they find out how much they spend on eating out, most people are surprised to find out how much they spend on drinks each month.

7. Stop Drinking Alcohol

Surprisingly, there’s a lot of value to be had visiting your local public library.

8. Frequent the Library